The geolocation in Pandapé transforms the creation, management and presentation of your offers, ensuring that each vacancy is accurately located.
In addition, geolocate your vacancies allows them to reach candidates in Computrabajo who are looking for jobs in the specific areas where you have posted.
To take advantage of this functionality, be sure to update your company's zip code and offers, following the notices on the Home page. Below, we guide you through these simple updates.
This article addresses the following topics:
- Update your company's zip code
- Geolocate your available offers
- Geolocate a new offer
- Geolocation in your offer templates
Update your company's zip code
1️⃣ Enter the page Principal from your Pandapé account and in the news section on the right side, select "Update" in option #1 that mentions "your company's zip code":
2️⃣ You will be directed to Edit your businesswhere you can update your company's zip code by typing it and choosing it from the drop-down menu.
Geolocate your available offers
1️⃣ Enter the page Principal from your Pandapé account and in the news section, select "Update" in option #2 that mentions "ungeolocated offers":
2️⃣ This will take you to your Offer Grid where the offers that require geolocation update will be marked with the following notice "update zip code".
3️⃣ When you select any of these ads, you will be taken to the edition of the offerwhere you will have two options to define its location:
Address of the company: If you choose this option, the offer will be published with the address already configured in the location of your company.
Other address: If the location of the offer does not match your company's location, for example, if you are looking to recruit for a branch in another city or for a remote position at a specific locationyou must detail the country, department, city and postal code where the vacancy is located.
Geolocate a new offer
When you create a new vacancy in Pandapé, you will find two options to enter its location:
Address of the company: If you choose this option, the offer will be published with the address already configured in the location of your company.
Other address: If the location of the offer does not match your company's location, for example, if you are looking to recruit for a branch office in another city or for a remote position at a specific locationyou must detail the country, department, city and postal code where the vacancy is located.
Geolocation in your offer templates
If you have already updated your company's location as indicated in Update your company's zip code, the addresses in your templates will be updated automatically.
If, when entering your templates, you encounter alerts about updating the zip code, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Click on the alert in the affected workforce.
2️⃣ You will be redirected to the section for edit your company datawhere you can easily update your zip code.
Whenever you create a new offer template, you can easily specify the location by choosing the option Address of the company u Other address and completing the necessary fields for geolocation:
Frequently Asked Questions
Does geolocation affect how candidates find my offers on Computrabajo?
Yes, accurate geolocation increase the visibility and accuracy of your offers on Computrabajoattracting candidates interested in the specific location of the vacancy.
What if my offer is for a different address than my company?
If your vacancy is located at a different address than your company, such as a position that requires a branch office presence or a field project, select the "Other address" option when creating the offer in Pandapé and fill in the fields related to this alternative location.
Can I change the geolocation of an offer after it has been published?
It is not possible to modify the location once the offer is already published. We recommend you to check carefully the address before publishing.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS..
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The Pandapé ATS Support team