In the Offers/ Vacancies/ Notices Pandapé, you have at your disposal multiple options to visualize and order your vacancies. Below, we explain how to use these features to manage your offers effectively.
This article addresses the following topics:
Sort your vacancies for better visualization
At the top of the panel, you will find the option "Sort by"which allows you to organize your list of offers according to different characteristics:
In the following table, we show you each available option and its description to help you sort your list of vacancies:
Name of the characteristic | Description: |
Date of creation ascending | Order offers from the oldest to the most recent, ideal to follow a chronological order. |
Date of creation descending | Show offers first most recentThe company's website, facilitating access to the latest vacancies published. |
Name of upstream offer | Organize the offers alphabetically by A to Zuseful to quickly find a specific offer. |
Name of downstream offer | Reverses the alphabetical order of the offers for Z to Aby helping to locate offers by name starting with the last letters of the alphabet. |
Upward Manager | Sorts the bids according to the manager's name in the following way ascendantThe system allows you to view those managed by specific individuals. |
Downward Manager | Sorts the bids by manager's name in order descendingfor those who prefer to review the offer management starting from the end of the alphabetical list. |
Ascending city | Group offers by city in alphabetical order ascendantideal for finding vacancies in specific locations. |
Descending city | Presents the offers by city in descending alphabetical orderfor those looking for offers in specific cities starting with the end of the alphabet. |
Enrollees ascending | Order the offers by the number of registered members from minor to majoruseful to identify which ones need further promotion. |
Enrolled in descending order |
Displays the offers by number of registered members from major to minorThe new products and services can be used to quickly see which ones have generated the most interest. |
Navigate your offers through pagination
Pagination organizes your vacancies into separate pagessimplifying the search and editing of offers. Learn more about this functionality in our article Navigate through your offers easily with pagination.
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