In Pandapé ATS, you have at your disposal a versatile form of to manage your candidates' CVs. You have the possibility to download these CVs in widely used formats like Microsoft Word y .PDFThis makes them easy to view, store and share.
In addition, the platform provides you with the option to Export files in formats .CSV y .XSL. This option is especially useful when you want to extract and analyze essential information about the vacancy and the candidate. This may include details such as the name of the vacancy, the stage of the selection process that the candidate is at, and many other relevant details that are relevant to the candidate. help you make informed decisions.
This article addresses the following topics:
- Download individual CVs
- Massive download of CVs
- Aspects to take into account when making massive downloads
Download individual CVs
To download a candidate's CV from a vacancy, perform the following steps:
1️⃣ Enter the vacancy and access the stage where the candidate is located.
2️⃣ Select a candidate whose CV you want to download.
3️⃣ Click on Shares and select the export option of your choice by scrolling to the end of the list:
The available options are:
Print CV: This option allows you to print the CV or save it in PDF. From the print window you can choose either of the two options.
Export MS-Word: To download in this format, you can do it from the list of Shares or by clicking on the icon Export located within the candidate's file:
Export file: This option allows you to export candidate data in .CSV o .XSL. The following data will be exported:
Offer data: The nname, reference, stage name, TAGs of the offer.
Candidate data: First name, last name, title, date of registration, e-mail, telephone, cell phone, province, city, address, complement, number, date of birth, nationality, etc. Also, with this option you can include the questionnaires in the export, in case the candidate has completed any.
4️⃣ Choose the data you want to export:
If you choose Print CV: o Export MS-WordIn a pop-up window will appear where you can choose the data you want to include in the CV, such as: company logo and name, profile, experience, training, languages, contact details, additional information, disabilities and skills.
After selecting the items, click on Export.
- If you selected Export MS-WordThe CV will be automatically downloaded to your download folder.
- If you have chosen the option Print CV:If you want to print the CV, you can start the printing process or save the CV as PDF.
If you choose Export fileyou must select the format type (CSV o .XSL). In addition, you can check the option Include questionnaires to download the questionnaires completed by the candidate. Once you have done this, click on Generate file to complete the export.
Massive download of CVs
To perform a mass unloading of CVs, follow the same steps as for the individual download. The only difference is that when performing a bulk download, you need to select more than one candidate. by checking the boxes in the list of candidates:
Aspects to take into account when making massive downloads
Criteria |
MS-Word format |
PDF format or mass printing |
Download .xslx or .csv files |
Discharge limit | Limited to 20 CVs per operation. If you need more, you will have to perform several download operations. | Limited to 20 CVs per operation. To obtain or print more than 20 CVs, you will have to perform several downloads or print cycles. | There is no limit to the amount you can download in a single operation. |
Type of information | Download: Company information, candidate's personal information, contact details, candidate's competencies and skills. | Download: Company information, candidate's personal information, contact details, candidate's competencies and skills. |
Download offer and candidate specific datasuch as the date of registration, name of the offer, candidate's stage, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS..
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The Pandapé ATS Support team