This article addresses the following topics:
1. Select the way to create the offer
To start, from the Principal u Offers you must click on the "Create offer" . Once you are on the creation page, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Select the method to create the offerFor this purpose, you have the following options:
Copy of another offer: You can copy the information entered into an existing vacancy.
Use a bid template: If you prefer to save time, you can select a predefined template created by our team of experts. If you want customized templates tailored to your business, please contact your Customer Success..
Create a new offer from scratch: If you prefer to start from scratch, this option allows you to create a completely customized offer according to your specific needs and requirements.
Create new vacancy with ChatGPT technology: With this option, you will be able to create a vacancy in seconds thanks to ChatGPT's artificial intelligence integration.
2️⃣ Offer Description: After choosing the option to create the description of your offer. You will be taken to this page where you will have to fill in all the information corresponding to the offer: Basic information, Requirements, questionnaire with screening questions. Below, we detail each section so that you can complete the description of the offer.
2. Description of the offer
In the section for creating the offer description, you will find fields and key data to enter the basic offer information, requirements y Killer questions. This will allow you to create an accurate description of the offer and attract the right candidates. Below, we explain each of them in detail:
Basic information
Hide the company name: Your company name will be displayed by default in the offer posting. However, you can check the corresponding box to hide the company name in the offer description.
Offer position: Specify the name of the position you are recruiting for. This field is requiredIt helps candidates clearly identify the position you are offering.
Number of positions: Indicates how many positions are available for this offer. This allows candidates to know how many opportunities are available.
Date of hire: Specifies the expected start date of employment. This helps candidates know when they can start work if selected.
Reference: If you have a specific reference number for this offer, you can enter it here for easy tracking and organization.
teamwork Indicates the location(s) where the job will be performed. This field is mandatory, as it provides candidates with information about the physical location of the job.
Type of contract: Select the type of contract offered, such as full-time, part-time, temporary or freelance.
Workday: Specify the hours of work required for this position, such as full-time, part-time or flexible hours.
Salary range: If you wish to indicate the salary range for this position, you can specify it here. This field is mandatory, but you have the option to hide it for candidates if you consider it necessary.
Location of the offer: Select the country, province and city where the job offer is located.
Offer Description: In this field, provide a detailed description of the position, including responsibilities and any other relevant details. Be sure to highlight the most attractive aspects of the offer and convey a clear picture of what is expected of the candidate.
In addition to the above fields, we also you have the option of including a banner or a YouTube video. You can also attach relevant files, such as detailed job descriptions or company presentations. You can also mention the benefits offered by the company and use Tags (labels) to help you identify and organize the offer efficiently.
3. Add the requirements
In this section, you will find the following fields that you should take into account:
Offer only for PCD: If this offer is targeted exclusively to people with disabilities, check this box to indicate so. This helps to attract candidates who meet specific inclusion requirements.
Age range: If there is a specific age range for this position, you can indicate it here.
Genre: You can select if there is any gender preference for this position.
Time of experience: Indicates the level of experience required for the position.
Level of education: This field is mandatory, select the minimum level of education required for the position.
Complementary training: If there are additional training requirements or certifications for the position, you can mention them here.
Languages: Indicates the languages required for the position, as well as the level of fluency required.
Skills: Introduce the specific technical skills or competencies that are important for this position.
In addition, you will find additional fields where you can check the corresponding boxes to indicate specific requirements, such as driver's license, own vehicle, willingness to travel o to change residence.
By completing these fields accurately, you will provide candidates with a clear and detailed description of the position, as well as the requirements and skills needed.
4. Killer questions
Filter questions are an essential tool for the selection processThey allow you to filter the applicants for your offer in an effective way. With them, you can include a questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions.
There is no set limit to the number of questions you can include in the questionnaire, however, we recommend that you measure the number of questions to keep the candidate's attention..
To add filter questions, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Activate the option Include questionnaire with filter questions.
2️⃣ If you have previously created a template, you can select it; otherwise, start drafting your questions.
3️⃣ To add questions, click on Include questions.
4️⃣ Choose the type of question you want to use and follow the steps:
Question closed: In the field AskIn the next step, enter your question statement. You will then be able to add the answer options, and if you wish to add more answers, simply click on + Includes another answer. In addition, you can assign a weight to each answer and set a maximum time to answer the question.
Open-ended question: In the field AskIf you do not have a time limit, enter the question statement. Optionally, you can assign a maximum time to answer the question.
5️⃣ Once the question is ready, click on Include.
Once you have completed the description of the offer, save the changes and you can proceed to the next step: Publication data. In this section, you will have the option to post the vacancy on various job portals and aggregators. If you would like to learn more about the posting process, we recommend that you consult our article: Post a vacancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have created a user and they are unable to log in, it is important to make sure that you have
To ensure the confidentiality of the vacancy the publication on social networks and on your company page is disabled in vacancies with hidden company name.
Can I edit the vacancy if it is already published?
Yes, you can edit the vacancy at any time. Simply go to the corresponding section and make the necessary changes. However, please note that some sections, such as filter questions, cannot be edited once created.
How many filter questions can I include in my vacancy?
There is no specific limit to the number of screening questions you can include in your vacancy. However, it is recommended to be measured and select the most relevant and meaningful questions to evaluate candidates.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will support you to get the maximum performance from Pandapé ATS.
Thank you!
The Pandapé ATS Support team