Take full advantage of the power of Facebook! This feature will allow you to increase the reach of your vacancies y attract a higher volume of candidates. Don't miss the opportunity to reach a wider audience and obtain outstanding results in your recruitment process. Simplify the dissemination of your offers and boost your presence in social networks with Pandapé ATS.
This article addresses the following topics:
- How to set up your corporate Facebook page
- How to post on your corporate Facebook page
- Frequently Asked Questions
How to set up your corporate Facebook page
1️⃣ Click on the "gear" icon in the top bar and select Publisher configuration.
2️⃣ En the page of Publisher configurationgo to the tab configurations.
3️⃣ In the Facebook section, click on Include new Facebook Page.
4️⃣ Complete the required fields: ID, Access token y Description.
You can add more than one pageThe default page, but remember that the page selected by default will always be the one that will be published.
How to post on your corporate Facebook page
To post your vacancies on the corporate Facebook page, follow these steps:
1️⃣ In the section Publication data when creating or editing a vacancy, select the tab Social Networking.
2️⃣ Click on Publish in the 1. Corporate Facebook page.
The publication will be carried out in a automaticAfter a few minutes you will be able to see the publication on your company's corporate page.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I delete the publication?
To delete the publication you will have to do it from Facebook. Access the corporate page and delete the publication.
Is it possible to customize the text of the publication?
In order to standardize vacancy postings, text customization is not allowed. However, you can edit the post from your Facebook page if you wish.
The option to post to the corporate Facebook page appears in the following window disabled
Before being able to publish on the corporate Facebook page, it is necessary that the Pandapé ATS account administrator user make the appropriate settings y have administrator permissions on the corporate Facebook page. This will enable the publishing function on that page.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS.
Thank you!