The creation of tests and questionnaires plays a fundamental role in the selection process, as they help you to quickly filter and select the candidates that best fit your offering. At Pandapé ATS, we have simplified this task by offering you the option of creating test and questionnaire templates, which you can use at any time for your vacancies. In addition, you will be able to customize them and adapt them to different candidate profiles.
Create test templates and questionnaires
To start creating a test or quiz template with filtering questions, follow the steps described below:
1️⃣ Go to the section Configuration by clicking on the "gear" icon.
2️⃣ In the category Templates> select Tests and questionnaires:
3️⃣ Inside the page Test and questionnaire templatesclick on New template:
4️⃣ When you are in the pop-up window, you will be able to choose the type of test:
Types of tests and questionnaires:
- Personalized test: This type of test allows you to create customized questions to suit your needs. You can include questions with different answer options and you can accompany these questions with images. Please note that you cannot add open-ended questions in this type of test.
- Weighted test: With this type of test, you can assign a weight or value to each question. This means that some questions may have a greater influence on the final evaluation than others. This is an excellent option if you want to highlight key questions or give them greater relevance in the candidate's score.
- Test with attachments: This option allows you to create a test using an attachment containing the questions. Please note that the maximum file size allowed is 5 MB.
- Questionnaire: This option allows you to create a questionnaire withKiller questions. You can include open or closed questions to filter candidates based on their answers.
5️⃣ Template name: Once you have chosen the type of test or questionnaire that you want to create, it is important to indicate a Template name that refers to the profile you want to evaluate. This will help you to organize and distinguish your templates effectively.
6️⃣ Test available for: Determine for whom this test will be available. You can choose whether the test will be available to all users of the company or only to your particular user.
7️⃣ Test configuration: In this step, you must develop and configure the questions according to the type of test you have selected. For example:
If you chose a test with an attachmentIf you do not have a test, write a descriptive statement to accompany the test and attach the file with the questions that the candidates must answer. Be sure to provide clear and detailed instructions so that candidates can complete the test properly.
If you opted for a customized testIf you wish, write the closed questions with the possible answers and, if you wish, you can accompany the test with relevant images. Remember that the clarity of the questions and the relevance of the answers will contribute to a more accurate evaluation of the candidates.
8️⃣ Once you have developed the questions for your test or quiz, you simply saves the template and you will be ready to use it in your vacancies in an easy way.
- If you have created a questionnaire templateYou can use it in your vacancies by adding it in the description of the offer. In the section Questionnaire with filter questionsyou will be able to load the template you have created
- If you have created test templatesYou will be able to incorporate them in the stages of the selection process to send them automatically to the candidates. You will also be able to configure questionnaires in the same way. This functionality will allow you to automate the assessment process and speed up the selection of the most suitable candidates for your vacancy.
Pandapé Tips
Define your objectives: Before creating a test or questionnaire template, clearly define your objectives and what information you want to obtain from candidates. This will help you design questions that are relevant and focused on the skills and competencies needed for the position.
Be clear and concise: When writing questions, make sure they are clear and easy for candidates to understand. Avoid using technical or ambiguous terminology that may cause confusion. Be concise and avoid asking questions that are too long or complex.
Customize templates according to vacancies: Although you can create generic templates, consider tailoring them to each specific vacancy. Adjust the questions and answer options to reflect the needs and requirements of the particular position. This will help you assess the suitability of candidates more accurately.
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