With Pandapé ATS, your time in the selection process is reduced significantly. Thanks to our intelligent selective processing function, or Smart RecruitingIf you are looking at hundreds of resumes that do not meet the profile of your vacancy, you can avoid reviewing hundreds of resumes that do not meet the profile of your vacancy and streamlining the first stages of screening in a simple way.
To automate the selection of candidates, simply define the discard rules in the step Registered. Our artificial intelligence will analyze and filter all CVs received according to your search conditionssaving you a great deal of management time.
The configuration of the smart selection process can be done during the creation of your vacancy or modified at a later stage. You will have the control to define the conditions and movement rules to suit your specific needs.
This article addresses the following topics:
Configure filtering conditions
At the stage of RegisteredIf you have the option to set two types of default conditions, you have the option to set two types of default conditions: Adequacy:y Automatic filters. To perform this configuration, follow these steps:
1️⃣ From the creation or edition of the vacancy, go to the section Selection process.
2️⃣ Go to the tab Stages of the process.
3️⃣ At the stage of Registeredclick on Include automatic movement to start configuring the conditions.
Below we explain how to configure each of these conditions:
- Adequacy: This parameter establishes a percentage of the candidate's suitability in relation to the offer. Indicates the percentage needed to consider a candidate suitable according to his or her level of suitability. For more information on this functionality, please refer to our article on Suitability of candidates.
Automatic filters: This option allows you to adjust additional conditions for including or excluding candidates according to your needs.
You can set different filters to ensure a more accurate selection. Here are some examples and use cases:
If you are looking for a "Executive promoter"you can include candidates who have held or hold similar positions. You can add specific charge names or use the preload function of the offer.
If you have a budget limit for the vacancy, you can select a salary range to to include or exclude candidates according to their salary expectations.
If you need the candidate to be able to make face-to-face visits with clients in a car, you can exclude those who do not have a driver's license.
Select the movement rules
Once the conditions have been established, you can choose the following movement rules:
If an applicant meets the requirementsYou can choose to advance to the next stage or leave it at the current stage.
If an applicant does not meet the conditionsyou can move it to the Discarded or leave it at the current stage.
Once you have defined the conditions and rules of movement, click on Create Automatic Movement and simply wait for the candidates to register and Pandapé will automatically start filtering for you. You will save time and improve the efficiency of your selection process..
Pandapé Tips
If your vacancy is not receiving the expected number of suitable applicants, you can always adjust the suitability of candidates from Edit offer.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS.
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The Pandapé ATS Support team