Thomas' DISC tests, internationally recognized for their reliability in personality assessmentsThe "Candidates' Behavioral Skills, Self-Image, Self-Motivation, Communication Style, Ideal Roles, Preferred Work Environment, and Reactions Under Pressure" offer a detailed view of your candidates' behavioral skills, self-image, self-motivation, communication style, ideal roles, preferred work environment, and reactions under pressure, providing a in-depth understanding of their professional profiles.
Explore the possibilities of the DISC test, through the following video:
In addition, to expand on the information in the video, here are the following points:
- Incorporate the Thomas DISC test in your vacancies
- Automatic movements in the DISC Test
- Frequently Asked Questions
Incorporate the Thomas DISC test into your vacancies
Follow these steps to add this test to your selection process:
1️⃣ Within the Stages of the process of a vacancy, crea a new stage specific to the Thomas DISC test. In this way, you will be able to automate the sending to the candidates.
2️⃣ Click on Include automatic action > select Send a test.
3️⃣ In the pop-up window, select the Thomas DISC Test:
4️⃣ After choosing the DISC Testin this step you can:
- Customize the message that the candidates will receive. You will be able to compose a message from scratch or use an predefined template.
- Indicate at what time the test will be sent after the start of the stage and set the expiration time of the test.
5️⃣ Once you have configured the fields, click on Include automatic action to save the settings made.
Automatic movements in the DISC Test
To define the Smart Recruiting movements according to the results obtained by the candidates in the Test Disc, you will be able to choose between three options:
- Proceed to the next stage.
- Keep the candidate at the same stage.
- Automatically discard it.
In addition, you can establish the target percentage that candidates must achieve in the results. Once you have set up these parameters, simply click on Create automatic movement.
After adding the Test Disc to your vacancies, each candidate at that stage will you will automatically receive an e-mail invitation to take the test.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the test be resent?
Yes, if your candidate cannot find the email with the test or if you want to send it again as a reminder, you can resend the test from the candidate's file:
Pandapé Tips
Use the Thomas DISC test when in doubt about two suitable candidates. You will increase your hiring effectiveness and avoid staff turnover.
The DISC Test can be a powerful tool for generate meaningful conversations with candidates. Invite applicants to share their perspectives on the results and how they believe their personality traits relate to the position.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.
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The Pandapé ATS Support team