The Pandapé ATS messaging system has been designed for improve user experienceThe system allows both recruiters and candidates to send messages to each other. This system allows sending messages from multiple channels to ensure its openness and readability, and it has a Messages tab which allows you to view all messages sent to the candidate.
Find out how to get the maximum performance of this messaging system, and know your advantages y benefits.
This article addresses the following topics:
- How to send a message
- Considerations for each communication channel
- How to access the message log
- How the candidate sees it
- Frequently Asked Questions
How to send a message
For send messages to candidates, follow these steps:
1️⃣Access the candidate's file you wish to contact.
2️⃣ Select the button Send Message.
3️⃣ In the popup window, choose a predefined template o compose your message. If you do not have preset templates, create a new one by composing the message and marking Save as template. Read the article on Create and customize message templates for more information.
4️⃣ Once you have composed the message, select the communication channel: E-mail address, SMS o WhatsApp.
5️⃣ Finally, click on Send to.
Considerations for each communication channel
E-mail address: When sending an e-mail, be sure to add an message titleas this is a mandatory field. You can also use custom variables e include links
in your messages. This channel is ideal for complete messages y detailed.
SMS: When sending a text message, the default sender will be the name of the company and the sending of the message can be confirmed by clicking on the icon which will appear next to the date/time of the message. This channel is ideal for a rapid communication y efficient.
WhatsApp: Messages from WhatsApp are sent to the candidate as regular messages. In addition, the sending of the message can be confirmed by an icon with the logo of which will appear next to the date/time of the message. This channel is ideal for a closer communication y personalized.
WhatsApp Web: You also have the option to send messages to your candidates through WhatsApp Web. Before you start, make sure you have the application active and logged in to WhatsApp Web and check if the receiving candidate has the application. You can identify it by the WhatsApp logo that appears next to your number.
Within the candidate's profile, click on the contact number to be redirected to WhatsApp Webwhere you can communicate directly with the candidate.
To improve your company's image and strengthen the employer brand, it is recommended to use a corporate account when communicating with candidates.
How to access the message log
Messages section:
To review the log of messages sent, you can access the section of Messages. To do so, follow the steps below:
1️⃣ Enter the candidate's file.
2️⃣ Select the tab Messages.
The date y exact time in which the message was sent is displayed in each message, and when the candidate responds, this information will also be displayed in their corresponding messages.
2. Timeline:
In the History o Timeline you can see the sent messages and when you click on View Message will take you directly to the specific message sent.
In addition, at Pandapé ATS you can perform the following services mass mailings. For more information about this feature, we recommend you read our article Multichannel mass messaging.
How the candidate sees it
The candidate's experience is very practical and convenient. If you have chosen to send only e-mail you will receive the following e-mail:
Once the candidate clicks on See messagewill be taken directly to the mailbox o message page related to the vacancy in question, allowing you to respond comfortably:
Once the candidate responds to your message, you will receive a real-time notification in your message inbox and you will be able to access the message to read your reply.
Frequently Asked Questions
I cannot choose the SMS or WhatsApp option, the button is disabled.
When the button appears disabled it may be due to:
It may be an error in the phone number, make sure that the field has the following selected cell type and that the prefix and the number is correct.
Lack of credits; check the number of credits available in your account.
You do not have this functionality. The sending of SMS or WhatsApp is only available for some memberships, if you want to use any of these features, please contact the team of Customer Success. to request more information.
Why can't I send a message via WhatsApp Web?
To make contact via WhatsApp Web you must have logged in first at WhatsApp Web. Make sure you are logged in and check if the receiver has the application.
I do not see the Messages tab
The tab Messages appears on all the candidates you have contacted. If you have not sent any message to the candidate, the tab will not appear.
Pandapé Tips
To have a good employer brand imageIf you have a current and complete Career Page, make sure you have an updated and complete Career Page so that candidates can clearly see the company's values, mission and vision.
Use SMS messages for the active search for candidates. It is one of the most effective means of communication. 98 % of SMS are usually opened.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS.
Thank you!
The Pandapé ATS Support team