The Midot Lite Test is designed to assess key qualities in candidates.s, such as responsibility, adaptability and work ethic. This quick assessment, which requires only 8 to 12 minutes to complete, is effective in identifying candidates who stand out for their integrity and professional ethics.
Integrating this test in the selection process is simple and effective thanks to Pandapé ATS.
Learn how to optimize the use of the Midot Lite Test, through the following video:
In addition, to expand on the information in the video, here are the following points:
- Incorporate TestLite Midot into your processes
- Automatic movements in TestLite Midot
- How to consult the results
- Frequently Asked Questions
Incorporate TestLite Midot into your processes
Follow these steps to add this test to your selection process:
1️⃣ Within the Stages of the process of a vacancy, crea a new stage specific to TestLite Midot. In this way, you will be able to automate the sending to the candidates.
2️⃣ Click on Include automatic action > select Send a test.
3️⃣ In the pop-up window, schoose TestLite Midot:
4️⃣ After choosing TestLite Midot, in this step you can:
- Customize the message that the candidates will receive. You will be able to compose a message from scratch or use an Staff data.
- Indicate at what time the test will be sent after the start of the stage and set the expiration time of the test.
5️⃣ and in the corresponding step click again on Include automatic action to save the settings made.
Automatic movements in TestLite Midot
To define the Smart Recruiting movements depending on the results obtained by the candidates in the test, you will be able to choose between three options: Proceed to the next stage., Keep the candidate at the same stage. o Automatically discard it.. In addition, you can indicate the percentage of the desired result that the candidates must achieve.
The established result levels are as follows:
- Not recommended: Range from 0% to 49%.
- Recommended: Range of 50% to 100%.
Once you have determined the desired percentage and the corresponding movements, just click on Create automatic movement to save the configuration
After you have added the TestLite Midot to your vacancies, each candidate at that stage you will automatically receive an e-mail invitation to take the test.
How to consult the results
The TestLite MIDOT, focused for mass recruitmentsoffers punctual results to speed up the processes.
To consult the results of each candidate who has taken the test, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Access the candidate's file on the platform.
2️⃣ Go to the Results
3️⃣ About the test performed and click on Download PDF:
The possible results you will find are:
- Recommended: Indicates that the candidate has scored above 50 on all dimensions evaluated.
- Not recommended: Applies when one or two dimensions score less than 50.
- No results: This refers to cases in which candidates have answered many questions with "I don't know" and the level of sincerity of their answers is questioned. In these cases, it is recommended to verify the cause and evaluate if it is necessary to repeat the test.
In addition, the TestLite MIDOT provides an overall assessment of the potential level of risk, at a scale from 0 to 100, which indicates the likelihood that a person will engage in inappropriate behavior in the workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the test be resent?
Yes, if your candidate cannot find the email with the test or if you want to send it again as a reminder, you can resend the test from the candidate's file:
If I have removed the TestLite Midot stage and want to add it back, does it consume a new credit?
No, TestLite Midot works by vacancies, if it has already been used in the same vacancy it will not consume credit again even if you delete and re-add the test step.
Pandapé Tips
Establishes a reasonable time frame: When adjusting the TestLite Midot settings, make sure to set an appropriate expiration time for the test. This will allow candidates enough time to complete the test without feeling pressured. Consider the volume of candidates and the average length of the test when setting a deadline that is realistic for all involved.
Once candidates have completed the TestLite Midot, take the time to analyze the results in a comprehensive manner. Do not limit yourself only to individual scores, but also consider the combination of responses and overall patterns.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success manager and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.
Thank you!
The Pandapé ATS Support team