The Pandapé ATS candidate reporting dashboard will give you provides detailed and key information about your candidates. It consists of three tabs: Total, Profile y Average per contractYou will be able to see data on the number of candidates registered, rejected and hired. You will also be able to examine in depth the profile of your candidates and the average time to hire. In the following, we will explore each tab and its use.
This article addresses the following topics:
Access to the report panel
To access the report panel follow these steps:
1️⃣ Click on the menu Reports located on the top bar of the platform:
2️⃣ Once inside, select the tab Candidates.
From here you can explore the three tabs available to analyze your candidates' data and apply filters to customize the data display. You can select a date range, such as"Yesterday", "Last 7 days", "Last 30 days", "Last 3 months". y "Last year". You can also adjust the filters to view data diaries, weekly, monthly y annual.
Total Tab
In this tab, you will find graphs that will provide you with valuable information about your candidates during the selected period.
- Enrolled: this graph shows the number of candidates who have applied for vacancies within the selected period. This allows you to have a overview of the number of candidates interested in your job offers.
Discarded: this chart shows the number of candidates that have been discarded during the selected period. This information helps you to evaluate the number of applicants who do not meet the requirements or criteria established for the position.
Contracted:this chart shows the number of candidates that have been hired during the selected period. This metric is especially important because provides you with a clear view of the effectiveness of your selection process and the ability to convert candidates into employees.
Profile tab
In this tab, you will find graphs that will provide you with data on the profile of your candidates:
Genre: shows the gender distribution among the candidates.
Level of education: shows the level of education attained by the candidates.
City: shows the geographic location of the candidates.
Age: shows the age distribution among the candidates.
Hiring Average tab
In this tab, you will find a single graphic that shows the average time to hire candidates. The calculation includes the offers that had the first candidate at the stage ".Contracted:"on the corresponding day. Days on which there were no hires are not included in the calculation of the annual average. Use the filters to consult the data you wish to review.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success manager and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.
Thank you!
The Pandapé ATS Support team