If you need to make changes to your e-mail address or renew your password, you can do it easily. Each user has the ability to update their own data.such as e-mail address, password and profile picture.
This article addresses the following topics:
Modify your account information
To make the changes, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Click on your profile picture.
2️⃣ Select Edit your profile.
Within the tab User editionIn the "Modify" section, you will find the following sections that you can modify:
Personal data
Profile picture: You can upload or change your profile picture to personalize your account.
User's first and last name: Update your first and last name as appropriate.
User's phone number: Enter your current phone number.
Access data
E-mail or user: Indicate the e-mail or user you will use to access the application.
Password change
If you wish to change your current password, you can do it easily by entering the new password and confirming it.
Recently Viewed
You will be able to show/hide the access to candidates or offers recently seen.
Update your profile according to your preferences and needs.. Keeping your data up to date will help you manage your account efficiently.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS.
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The Pandapé ATS Support team