The Computrabajo's candidate base gives you exclusive access to a wide selection of candidates for your vacancies, from the leading job portal in Latin America. Below, we will show you the main features you will find in Computrabajo's Candidate Database in Pandapé ATS.
This article addresses the following topics:
Top bar
In the top bar of this menu, you will find relevant information about Computrabajo candidates and available credits.
- Registered candidates: Here you can see the number of candidates registered in Computrabajo in real time.
- Views available: This function tells you the number of views you have available to access the contact details of candidates, based on the credits available in your account. For more information on how credits are allocated, please refer to our article: Assignment of CompuTrabajo credits.
In this section you will be able to organize and classify the candidates according to your preferences.
- Main folder "All": Here you will find all of Computrabajo's candidates.
- Creation of new folders: You will have the option to create your own folders to organize candidates according to different criteria, such as profile, experience, studies, among others.
Add candidates to your folders
To add a candidate to a specific folder, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Access the candidate's file you wish to add.
2️⃣ Click on View contact information.
3️⃣ Select the desired folder from the drop-down menu Move to folder.
Candidate screening
To find the desired candidates, you can use the different filters available:
Filter |
Description: |
keywords | Add keywords to locate candidates of your interest. If you select the Exact searchIf you enter a keyword, only results specific to the entered keyword will be displayed. |
Company | Filter candidates by company. |
Contact information | You can choose between All, Visible o Not visible to display the candidates according to the availability of their contact information. |
Professional category | Filter by the candidate's professional category. |
Age | Set the desired range of years of experience. |
Currently working | Choose from Employees o Unemployed according to the candidate's current employment status. |
Desired salary (Gross monthly) | Establish the candidate's desired salary range. |
Genre | Filter by gender of the candidate. |
location | Select the city to filter candidates by location. |
Nationality | Filter by nationality of the candidate. |
Last update | Defines the time period of the last update of the candidate's profile. |
Document number | Filter candidates by document number. |
University | Search for candidates according to the university where they have studied. |
Level of education | Filter by the candidate's level of education. |
Status of studies | Select the candidate's current study status. |
Currently studying | Filter candidates according to whether they are currently studying or not. |
Languages | Find candidates based on the languages they speak and their level. |
With comments | Filter candidates who have comments on their profile. |
Ratings | Find candidates based on their ratings. |
With photograph | Filter candidates who have a picture in their profile |
Massive actions
In addition to the functionalities mentioned above, you will also have the possibility to perform mass actions that will allow you to speed up your recruitment process. Below, we explain how you can use each of these available actions.
- Recommend to an offer: You can massively recommend candidates for a specific offer.
- Invite to the selection process: You will be able to invite several candidates to the selection process with a single click.
- See candidates: This option will show you the detailed information of the selected candidates. Please note that using this action consumes Computrabajo credits.
- Print CV: If you wish to obtain printed versions of the CVs of the selected candidates, you can use this mass action.
- Export to MS-Word: This action will allow you to export the candidates' information to a Microsoft Word file.
Remember that these mass actions will help you to optimize your recruitment process and to manage more efficiently the candidate base of your company. Computrabajo.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.PandapéATS.
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The PandapéATS Support team