The configuration of publishers in Pandapé ATS provides you with efficiency by set in advance the portals and external aggregators that you wish to have active and automatically selected on all your vacancies. This helps you save time and effort in every posting process.
This article addresses the following topics:
How to configure publishers
1️⃣ Go to the section Configuration by clicking on the "gear" icon.
2️⃣ In the category Process managers, select Publisher configuration.
3️⃣ Inside the page Publisher configurationIn the "Search" tab, you will find two tabs: "Enabled" y "Configurations"Below is a detailed breakdown of what you will find in each tab.
Enabled tab
In this tab, you will be able to configure third-party publishers according to your preferences. Simply slide the corresponding toggle button to enable them.
If you select the option "selected by defaultThe publisher will be marked by default every time you create an offer in the section Publication data:
This way, you can speed up the posting process and ensure that the desired portals are active for your vacancies.
The tab Enabled is divided into four sections of portals and aggregators:
1. Job Portals and Search Engines: Here you will find portals such as Computrabajo, Indeed, LinkedIn and Google for Jobs.
2. Free portals and aggregators: In this section, you will be able to access a wide range of portals where you can post your vacancies for free, such as Trovit, OpcionEmpleo, Jobrapido, Jooble, and many more.
3. Universities: Here you will find universities where you can promote your vacancies.
4. Social Networking: In this section, you will find options to share your vacancies on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Facebook pages.
Configurations tab
In this tab, you can manage advanced settings for third party publishers that Pandapé ATS makes available to you.
LinkedIn: Manage multiple LinkedIn identifiers to link your Pandapé offers to your LinkedIn company account. Find this identifier in the URL of your LinkedIn company page or follow the instructions at this link.
Facebook: This option allows you to add the Facebook token to publish Pandapé offers on your corporate Facebook page. You can find the necessary data by following the instructions provided in our article: Post your vacancies on the Corporate Facebook Page.
Indeed: Start setting up your Indeed account to create paid campaigns when posting offers on Pandapé. Simply click on "Access configuration (SponsorJobs)".
In addition to the available publishers, Own employment page will always be active and default, except in the case of confidential offers.
Setting up publishers in Pandapé ATS gives you full control over where and how your vacancies are published, which increases the visibility of your job opportunities and helps you reach a wider audience. Take advantage of this functionality to optimize your recruitment strategies and find the ideal candidates for your vacancies.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Success and they will help you get the most out of Pandapé ATS.Pandapé ATS.
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The Pandapé ATS Support team