Discover how the massive update in Pandapé revolutionizes the management of your offers, offering a quick and easy way to archive or delete multiple offers in just a few clicks. In this article, we show you step by step how to use this new tool to keep your list of offers always organized and up to date.
This article addresses the following topics:
How to update the status of your offers massively?
1️⃣ Select offersusing either of these two options:
Individual selection: Use the checkbox next to each offer to select several specific offers, allowing you to choose exactly the ones you want to modify without affecting the rest.
Massive selection: Check the master checkbox located at the top of the list for select all offers shown on the current page. It is perfect for when you need to apply changes globally to all visible offers.
2️⃣ Check the selected offers: A counter will be activated showing the total selected, helping you to verify your choices.
3️⃣ Change status: You will find the drop-down menu Change Status in the header, which allows you to choose the desired action for the selected offers:
Archive: Selected offers will be deactivated from all configured external publishers within a period of 24h to 48h. The status of bids will change to "Archived".
Delete: By choosing this option, the selected offers will be removed from the list. Please note that the deletion in external publishers may take between 24h to 48h.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I select offers from different pages for the mass update?
The bulk selection is limited to the offers displayed on the current page. To modify offers on different pages, you will have to browse and select them page by page.
Can I revert the status of an offer once it has been archived or deleted?
Once an offer has been archived, you can manually reactivate it if necessary. However, once deleted, the offer cannot be retrieved. Make sure that you really want to delete an offer before confirming the action.
Pandapé Tips
Perform periodic cleanings in your offer list, archiving or deleting those that are no longer necessary. This practice ensures that only active and relevant vacancies are visible.
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